How Do You Choose a Castor Wheel?

industrial castor wheels

Running a business has never been easy for anyone. You need to dedicate a lot of time and effort to ensure the success of your business. Aside from hard work, practicality and effective business strategies are of great essence to achieve success. Investing in the right machines, tools, and equipment is an important factor for a successful business venture. Industrial castor wheels are one of the necessary tools you need in your enterprise.

Here are some of the reasons why castor wheels are essential to your business:

The use of industrial castor wheels in the workplace is extremely beneficial because it makes workspaces more maneuverable. Creative rearrangements are made through versatile and easily customizable workspaces. It also enables employees to work in the most effective way possible and allows them to collaborate with any member of the team, maximizing their interpersonal work efforts.

The ability of industrial castor wheels to move in any direction with ease is quite beneficial in the workplace. Heavy, solid, and stationary objects can be hard to maneuver using traditional wheels. However, moving these objects around is way easier and faster with the use of industrial castor wheels. They also provide easy access to hard-to-reach areas within the office.

Attaching standard wheels to heavy equipment causes more harm than good. On the other hand, industrial castor wheels are incredibly resilient and far more durable and effective. Hence, they are able to withstand bumps and sudden movements while easily supporting heavy loads. Undoubtedly, industrial castor wheels are ideal for maneuvering heavy office equipment and machines.

Using industrial castor wheels can also improve the workers’ safety, for sure. Since they are omni-directional and easier to control, workers can avoid potential accidents and injuries while maneuvering heavy loads.

Now that you know how important and beneficial industrial castor wheels are, here is a guide for selecting the best ones for your business or office:

The first step that should be taken is to choose the range. This is based on what you are using the industrial castor wheels for and how much load they will carry. Light- to medium-duty is suitable for trolleys, carts, mobile storage, and shop fittings and displays. Meanwhile, the general- to heavy-duty ones are suitable for stock trolleys, roll cages, linen carts, and work platforms. On the other hand, very heavy-duty castor wheels are best used in multi-purpose trolleys, shipping containers, and stock trolleys for automotive parts. Castor wheels are also used in the medical field. They are incredibly useful in medical equipment, hospital beds, and chairs.

The next step is choosing a wheel based on the floor surface it will travel on. Bouncy, elastic tires are suitable for outdoor use and rough ground since they can help get over bumps. Because of their high load bearing capacity, hard wheels are an excellent choice for soft surfaces and smooth floors.They can reduce pushing effort on carpet and soft surfaces.

Choosing the diameter and the bearing type are the next essential steps. It is important to note that larger wheels are easier to push and also provide better ride comfort.

After these steps, you should then choose the type of brake and caster configuration. Lastly, you have to choose your fittings.